RuneScape User Name
Name Any Other Accounts You Have Played On
*clears throat* I I Dm I I, Cb Is Poor, Edgeganistan, l ew, Killwifskill, Wet And Wide, Click M3 Now and some others I can't remember
Registered IRC Nick(s)
F2P/P2P Combat Level
In-Game Picture Of Your Stats
Picture Of your Hats/PK Gear/Money
Name The Teams/Clans You Have Been In On Any Account And The Reason For Leaving Them/Getting Kicked
SuperNatural (in old wildy got bored of pking after wilderness went), Vindication (F2P pking was boring so I left)
Why Do You Want To Join SuperNatural?
I was a member in 2007 (username was Kiering2202) and it was so fun just owning every noob that came towards us then bumping into clans and just dying left right and centre, good times :P
Where Did You Hear About SuperNatural?
I was in #ranqe before SN was formed
Why Do You Feel That You Deserve To Be Accepted As A Member Of SuperNatural?
I was very loyal to SN in the past and still know some of the original members, I'm helpful to others, experienced at pking, have common sense (which alot of people seem to lack these days :|) and just generally like having fun.
Do You Have Any Problems With Any Members Of SuperNatural?
The Hero406 but that's sexual problems.
Tell Us Something About You (e.g. Name, Age, Hobbies)
I'm called Kieran, I'm almost 18, males, play Rugby and football, I like playing video games (Mainly RS and CoD). I'm studying maths, law and chemistry at A-level and am (fingers crossed) going on to do a Master's Degree in Mathematics (hardcore nerd IKR). I like having a laugh with mates on Skype and Vent and pwning noobs in the wilderness
Time Zone
GMT +0
The Hero406, connorsheehy
Do You Have A Microphone For Ventrilo?
Have You Read All Of The Requirements And Rules?
Have You Read and Do You Agree To Follow The Rules of SuperNatural Posted Here Throughout The Full Time You Are A Member?
Anything Else You Wish To Say May Be Added Here
I really hope to pk with SN again in the new wildy and show those noob try hard max magers a thing or two about welfare pride!