RuneScape User Name
Dark R4ng3r5
Name Any Other Accounts You Have Played On
F1nal t4nk, soz my whip, gf your def, gf your d3d (still playing)
Registered IRC Nick(s)
Gf Your D3d
F2P/P2P Combat Level
In-Game Picture Of Your Stats
Picture Of your Hats/PK Gear/Money
Name The Teams/Clans You Have Been In On Any Account And The Reason For Leaving Them/Getting Kicked
Bloody Nightmares, old old f2p team still had lots of fun in their leader decided to stop running the team because of too much work to run it and people ignoring him and rules completely.
Why Do You Want To Join SuperNatural?
Never officially been in a pro team like this have had lots of multi pking expierience with friends and other pk cc's. I saw vids of you guys on youtube and i really wanted to officially join since 2007
Where Did You Hear About SuperNatural?
Heard from a friend in 2007 that kids ranqe plays on soz owned and went into cc (was a huge kids ranqe fan back then) i then heard about sn in the cc and subscribed to sv3rige youtube and other sn members youtube.
Why Do You Feel That You Deserve To Be Accepted As A Member Of SuperNatural?
Im a nice guy who is addicted to runescape pking and think i would be a great pker with the team.
Do You Have Any Problems With Any Members Of SuperNatural?
No and never have.
Tell Us Something About You (e.g. Name, Age, Hobbies)
My names Fill im 14 i play basketball and i love music.
Time Zone
Steel Winer, Connorsheehy, Yutzy,
Do You Have A Microphone For Ventrilo?
Have You Read All Of The Requirements And Rules?
Have You Read and Do You Agree To Follow The Rules of SuperNatural Posted Here Throughout The Full Time You Are A Member?
Anything Else You Wish To Say May Be Added Here
Will app on Gf Your D3d when hes ready and i really cant wait to pk with you guys when old wildy comes back i think its gonna be one of my best expierience on runescape ever, im sick of bh and pvp only reason i kept playing was because im a major runescape addict.
Added (08 Jan 2011, 1:20 Am)
Oh i forgot to put anything else i wish to be added here that i cant get any more pink hats till my stock recharges in store but il have 300 by tomorrow.