People ask me all the time how to use SwiftKit so here's a little guide I made.
SwiftKit is the tool that all the pkers use, the noobs use Clan Chats. 1) Download SK at DOWNLOAD
2) When it's downloaded, install it.
3) Start the program.
4) Click on *Launch SwifKit*, After it loaded/updated click on *Create New*.
5) After you have made an account, choose it and click on *Use Selected* and log in.
6) When it's open click on *Show Internal Utilities* to open the chat box and other stuff. To open up RuneScape you just have to click on *Play RuneScape* at the top.
7) Now click on the yellow pacman kinda face to open the chat window. Type in your name in there (or [SN]RsName if you want to join SuperNatural) and in the channel put #irchelp (first you will have register your nick, after that replace #irchelp with #SuperNatural which is our channel).
8) Then click on *Connect* and you should be inside the chat.
9) Now you have to register your nickname if you wanna join SN. Do that by typing /ns register password password email email in the chat (for example /ns register bigpenis444 bigpenis444 ) and press enter.
10) You should get a message that a confirmation code or something like that has been sent to your email address.
11) Go check your email (check the junk folder to if you can't find it) and copy the code they sent you.
12) Go back to the chat and write in the chat box /ns confirm youcodehere (for example /ns confirm 234r23r93).
13) Now your nick should be registered. Go back to start and click on *Set up auto-identify* and enter the password you used to register your nick (when u typed /ns register password password - write that password down somewhere, you might need it in the future).
14) 1 more thing that you should do is go to Start > Options > Irc and untick the message filtering so you can see links etc.
That's it, now you're good to go, here are some useful commands that you might wanna check out.
If you need to change your nickname while your in the chat for some reason. If u go AFK or so.
/nick yournickhere (for example /nick Soz_Owned|AFK)
To join more than 1 channel at once.
/join #channel (for example /join #irchelp)
To join a channel that has a password.
/join #channel password (for example /join #sn-pk panda)
To set a greet when you join a channel.
]/ns set greet yourgreethere (for example /ns set greet HALLO! The king is here!)
If u do join SN you need to have [SN] in front of your name so if you do have another registered nick you will have to connect/group both of the nicks so you have access with the neww [SN] nick to. Do that by typing,
/ns group main-nick password (for example /ns group soz_owned cocacola)