RuneScape user name * Kn0cked--0ut ( two zeros not O's and 2 spaces )
F2P Combat level
* 104
P2P Combat level
* 104 ( havnt even done the quest for summoning )
IRC user name on Swift Kit/Swift Switch (must be registered)
* Kn0cked--0ut
Post a in-game picture of your stats
Post a picture of your PVP/P2P multi pking gear
* Will do soon. i dont have one atm
If you have a picture of any PK's please post them here
* Will do soon. reinstalled windows xp.
What clans/teams have you previously been in and for how long?
* was one of he leaders in EOP
Reasons for leaving your previous clans/teams?
* Got 45 Defence and then quit then got 70 defence prefer'd tank pking.
Reason for joining SuperNatural
* Active, Skilled members.
Where did you hear about SuperNatural?
* Savig3 Y.T Chan
Why do you feel that you deserve to be accepted as a member?
* Have good pking skills. im diffrent then others im smart (brag moar.)
Do you have any problems with any members of SuperNatural?
* erm I_Eek. he banned me from irc cause he died in pvp and blamed me.
Tell us something about you (e.g. Name, Age, Hobbies)
* My name is dax, I'm 17 i was orignally from NL but moved to the UK 10years ago, Love Music (Lots of sorts but atm i like screamo, hardrock, emo :D) Like watching t.v. E4 Channel. The OC, One Tree Hill, Supernatural, and i like comedy films.
Time Zone
Do you agree to not only be active in-game but also on forums? As well as understanding that SN is an active Pk'ing clan and failure to uphold an acceptable level of activity could result in a kick?
* Yes im very active in game and i look on the forums alot for fun
Do you agree to follow the rules of SN posted here throughout the full time you are a member?
* Yes
Anything else you wish to say may be added here:
* Thats about it
but i wont be able to use any kind of teamspeak / ventrilo cause i dont have a mic. just a headset and i like listening to music when playing runescape anyway.