RuneScape user name i old bow i *
F2P Combat level 113
P2P Combat level 113
IRC user name on Swift Kit/Swift Switch (must be registered) I_Old_Bow_I
Post a in-game picture of your stats [img][/img]
Post a picture of your PVP/P2P multi pking gear
If you have a picture of any PK's please post them here
What clans/teams have you previously been in and for how long? Relentless corruption
Reasons for leaving your previous clans/teams? It was more a clan wars clan, we just had some pk trips
Reason for joining SuperNatural I love pking... I'm also getting 99 str so i need to do something fun when i'm bored. I'll come pking whenever u ask me
Where did you hear about SuperNatural? By watching Soz Owned/ Kids Ranqe his vids
Why do you feel that you deserve to be accepted as a member? I have a lot of pking experience in old wild and i'm a almost maxed barrows pure
Do you have any problems with any members of SuperNatural? No
Tell us something about you (e.g. Name, Age, Hobbies) I'm steven schepers, 15 years old, I live in Belgium. My hobbies are skateboarding and runescape. My music style is metal, metalcore and hardcore. That's all
Time Zone Gmt +1
Do you agree to not only be active in-game but also on forums? As well as understanding that SN is an active Pk'ing clan and failure to uphold an acceptable level of activity could result in a kick? Yes
Do you agree to follow the rules of SN posted here throughout the full time you are a member? Yes
Anything else you wish to say may be added here: Not at all